Vihan itkuvirsi 2018 oli intensiivinen pelillinen teos (taidelarppi), joka hyödynsis immersiivisen teatterin, pohjoismaisen liveroolipelin ja mediataiteen keinoja. Sen aikana elimme yhdessä Suomen alkutaipaleen traagisia tapahtumia sisällissodan vankileirillä. Osallistujat asettuivat teoksessa vankileirin vankien rooliin. Teos rakentui historiallisten dokumenttien sekä kerättyjen suku- ja paikallistarinoiden pohjalle, mutta emme rakentaneet sadan vuoden takaista epookkia, vaan fiktiota, joka voisi hyvin tapahtua nykyhetkessä. Voit lukea lisää projektista sen nettisivuilta ja kirjoittamastani esseestä.
”In the spring of 1918, a bloody civil war tore apart the newly independent Finland. The late spring and summer saw people gathered inside prison camps. This is their story.”
”Requiem for Hatred 2018” was a socially committed and intense game-based artwork that used tools from immersive theater, Nordic style live-action role-play, and media art. The participants took an active part experiencing the work instead of being left in the role of passive spectators.
Our participatory performance told the story of prison camps left after the Finnish civil war. In the piece, participants took the role of the prisoners at one such camp. During the experience, we went through the daily life of prison camps and the post-war deployment. The piece has its basis on historical documents and collected stories of the war and cultural memory that still influences life in Finland. We do not aim to build an epoch of 100 years ago, rather a fiction that could just as well take place today. We highlighted similarities between our time and the Civil war era by including contemporary material.